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Letter of Direction

Broadly speaking a letter of direction (letter of instruction)1 is any letter that gives instruction and guidance to a recipient. Letters of direction are also common in situations when somebody has passed away, and the executor requires documentation to prove they are in control of the deceased’s estate.

Insured Annuities

Annuities are one of the simplest investment vehicles one could acquire.

Simply put, when you establish an annuity 1, you are purchasing an income. Examples of annuities are, Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, or your retirement pension from your former place of employment.

Financial Strategy

Many people will offer you advice on which investments to buy. But there's more to your financial life than your RRSP. Estate taxes, income taxes and education funds for your children are just some of the other complex aspects of your total financial picture.

You need a Financial Advisor to help you develop an effective financial strategy.

A personal financial road map focuses on you as an individual – bringing together all the financial and psychological factors that have an impact on your life.


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